“Defiance” by Casandra Rivera
[author_info]CASANDRA “DEFY” RIVERA: Hailing from the East Coast, Defy has been committed to Breakdancing or “Bgirling” for almost ten years. She has had the opportunity to perform with many dance and entertainment companies from the east coast as well as various performances with all female hip-hop group, Decadance Theater, at Joyce Soho, The International Fringe Festival, and The Arscht Center in Miami. She has also done exhibitions, judged, and competed at B-boy Jams all over the United States, Mexico and Canada, including Loose Screws, Mighty 4, Freestyle Session, Reyes Del Asfalto, and the 2012 International Trinity Hip Hop Festival. Defy has worked on a variety of music videos and documentaries most recently including QuikSilver’s Water Dancer 2012 Short film. She was a featured dancer on MTV’s Sucker Free, and Toronto’s CypherUAX, and was a Redbull Beatrider winner and participant. She also nabbed a principle roll as a ninja in Disney’s Step Up 3D. Defy also has a degree from The Art Institute for Web Design and Interactive Media and has designed exclusively for NHL, ESPN, Game Show Network, Axe, Silk Milk, Four Square, and other companies. [/author_info]
Defy has been a good friend of mine for years. She’s always shown such dedication to her craft! She’s definitely deserving or every opportunity that comes her way. I definitely see a bright and promising future for this young lady!!