Three Poems by Mark Szoke
“I am not your dad, small child at the bus stop”
I am not a monster.
I am not hiding
under your bed.
I do not know what
you are thinking right now.
I have never taken pictures
of you while you were asleep.
I do not own a television.
I am not your dad, small child at the bus stop.
I am not thinking about choking you.
I do not want to know
what your blood tastes like.
I am not a monster.
I have never tripped
on a crack in the sidewalk.
I am not your dad, small child at the bus stop.
I have never had a dream
where I was naked in public.
“there must be something wrong with your phone, so I nailed this to your door”
build me a house
put it next to yours
give me a window
that shows me your shower
I would like that
I am happy you are trying to clean yourself
I am happy you are in water
do you even read this
are you naked
are you rubbing your parts
against anything
I am here,
use my leg,
I will take off my jeans
they are too coarse for comfort
do you have any new favorite things
I check your interests on websites,
I am familiar with how much we have in common
there is a new movie coming out,
I think you’d like it
I could take you
I would like to take you
let me in
let me in
let me in
I’ll only stay a while
I can make myself very small to sleep
if you would like
I make pancakes sometimes
you could have them,
I would give them to you
let me take you
let me in
let me in
“please don’t be mad at me”
I am comparing customer reviews
of electronic toothbrushes on amazon
I am naked and I am shopping
and I am alive
for what may be the first time
I am poking your dad on facebook
over and over
and I am having sex dreams
about your family members
I don’t know
I am making too much eye contact
with your cousin
you shouldn’t have invited me
to your family reunion
I am live-blogging the new episode
of hoarders
and I am thinking about
robbing the convenience store
by your old house.
Haha there is something oddly sweet about “…nailed to the door” but “Please don’t be mad at me” is just awesome! I love it.
This is some good shit!