“Pink Coconut” by M. Clara White
Two girls squat under a bridge,
Young pack-a-day girls
Unfiltered Camels, in a September snow
In the warm South girls
Warm with a bottle of SoCo. Young girls:
Janice’s drink.
Changelings melting and freezing, young
Water for sweets, hands that need each
Knuckle kissed, tucked
Each finger inside mittens by Mommas who
Check zippers and cover ears
Two girls in blood-surprised bodies, young men’s
Water for a taste, a peek, a squeal, a smoke
A brutality
Toy girls, teeming girls, SoCo and tits, The Doors
Pussies and bassinettes
Their first trick under the bridge and the pink coconut
Cupcakes it buys them.
M. Clara White is a graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars. She lives in Newfane, VT. Her work can be found in RHINO Poetry Magazine, ZOUCH Magazine and Miscellany, NAP 3.1, Eunoia Review (forthcoming), Petrichor Machine (forthcoming) and the Medulla Review (also forthcoming).
Spectacular piec you have here. Keep posting some more!
This is very inspiring for me…Please post more of this…Thanks!!
Thanks for the great post you have here for us then…
*Looking for the “like” button.*
This is one of those DAMN poems that makes me never want to write again but is also the reason why I do. I posted this on my facebook. I considered getting a twitter to tweet it. So good.