Friday Lit Roundup
Since this is the first-ever Friday Lit Roundup, it’s going to be a weird amalgam of interesting lit links you can click on to access things that have happened recently. I use the term “recently” loosely, as I’ll probably be linking to stuff that happened a while ago, also. Which doesn’t qualify as “recently” so much as it qualifies as “a while ago.”
However! You, too, can be a part of the Friday Lit Roundup by emailing me any important lit news as it goes live! I’ll do a Friday Lit Roundup every Friday (duh). Email your tids and bits (that sound so gross) to brett.e.jenkins [at] gmail [dot] com.
That said, here is some stuff:
HTMLGiant would like your anonymous reviews.
Howie Good has four delicious poems up at pressboardpress. That guy is ubiquitous as hell!
Specter homeslices J. Bradley and Brett Elizabeth Jenkins (that’s me!) are two of the most recent names added to the NAP Chap series! Look for their chapbooks in print in 2012.
I just got my phone bill in the mail and it’s three dollars less than it usually is. Weird, right?
Huffington Post columnists Ruth Fowler and Anis Shivani say some unsavory things here and here. Another Huffington Poster, Brian Joseph Davis, has some more balanced things to say here, about MFA programs.
At fwriction : review, a great piece by Jen Violi, which will, in the words of Danny Goodman, “rock your… waffle.”
The August issue of PANK is up and kicking ass.
Roxane Gay has a wonderful and very talked-about article about The Help over at The Rumpus.
Adam Robinson of Publishing Genius/Everyday Genius is interviewed at Ploughshares.
This isn’t exactly lit news, but it is some crazy shit: this guy in Michigan thought he was Fred Flintstone and used his feet as brakes for his truck, ending it (wouldn’t you know it) a big ol’ accident.
Specter blogger Will Henderson may, in fact, eat pizza on this very night! Stay tuned to his twitter for details.
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