And Ye Shall Know Me By My Sweat
Friday Lit Roundup time. I’m hot and sweaty and almost got squashed by a car today but here is this post. Additional note: if you have news or stuff, tell me. I can’t read everything on the web. I’m not Billy Larkin, for crying out loud.
Steve Subrizi has two wonderful poems in the 10th anniversary edition of Monday Night.
Make sure and read this special announcement by our very own J. Bradley for some exciting news.
Check out the stunning home libraries of twenty celebrities, and go to bed envious.
Hayden’s Ferry Review recently hosted an impromptu contest that I won just for being a smartass. There were several other winners, too, who were not smartasses. Just smart.
Stoked: Vol. II is out, and in it you can read things by xTx, Parker Tettleton, and Christopher Newgent.
Speaking of the Newg, he was interviewed by Ploughshares’s Laura van der Berg about Vouched Books, which is getting some really great, positive press! Let’s start a slow clap in his honor.
This is not an announcement as much as it is a command: go buy NOUNS OF ASSEMBLAGE right now. Or else Mensah will do something really bad to you.
Here is a poetry contest hosted by the Naugatuck River Review in which you can win real American dollars! Go enter.
The Independent reported that James Patterson is currently the highest paid author in America. And I’m saying we should probably do something about that.
Read this Flavorwire post about groundbreaking and profane authors. I damn hell ass love it!
Nikki Magennis is interviewed over at PANK Magazine.
Sarah Malone’s new story is up at fwriction : review and go read it right now.
You’re wonderful, Brett. Thanks.
And congratulations to J. Bradley! You absolutely should wear a crown.